Google ranking what are the factors

First of all, it is worth recap what are the ranking factors on google . In short, they are criteria that the platform takes into account to position a website in the best possible. Way on the search results page, when a keyword is searched by the user. And paying attention to this criterion is extremely important. Mainly because of organic searches . A worldwide survey conducted by sparktoro with similarweb analyzed approximately 5.1 trillion searches performed, whether on mobile. Devices (ios and android) or desktop, and showed that 33.59% resulted in clicks on organic search results.

And here are other data from

Google itself: approximately 75% of users who do. A search do not go beyond the first page of the search. Therefore, investing in the correct seo strategies is paramount, since. The highest concentration of clicks on the serp (search engine results Bahamas Mobile Number List page, or page with the search results) is in the first 3 results. That appear in a search, so look for the first positions always. This puts your company at the forefront. Among so many competitors on the web. The consequence, when the job is done well, is the increase in traffic and performance of. Your website through organic results.

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From search engines such as google Google

Ranking factors: what are they. The truth is that ranking factors are increasingly personalized, and there are a multitude of them! But google makes a point of not releasing. This list! What he makes available is a “ seo guide for beginners ”, but already Find List making it clear that these are best practices, not. The answer that people are looking for. However, there are many people who study the subject and arrive at some evidence of practices that are really worth following. Check  your site’s relevance.

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