Augmented Reality Creator Challenge Powered by Snap AR: Ramadan 2022 Series

After successfully presenting 3 challenges to Indonesian developers in 2021 to create Augmented Reality (AR) products through Snapchat’s Lens Studio (part of the Snapchat AR Creator Ramadan, Independence Day and Holiday series), now, in 2022, Snapchat is again Launched a similar challenge for product developers. Indonesia.

Embracing the holy month of Ramadan and Eid 1443 H and kicking off the first challenge of 2022, Snapchat is once again challenging Indonesian developers to create Ramadan and Eid-themed AR products on the Snapchat platform using Lens Studio Eid . The challenge is called the Augmented Reality Creator Challenge Powered by Snap AR: Ramadan 2022 Series.

main regulations

This Developer Challenge is open to all citizens

Of the Republic of Indonesia (WNI).
The AR lenses produced must be themed around Ramadan and Eid.
The AR lenses produced had to be new and had never been challenged before.
AR Lenses created must Hong-Kong Mobile Number List be publicly accessible on the Snapchat platform.
Uploaded AR Lens must add the LensTag #DicodingRamadhan2022 and 7 other LensTags related to the topic.
Entrants can create and submit more than 1 AR lens for this challenge.
All decisions and judgments of winners are final and not in dispute.
Questions about this challenge can be asked in the challenge discussion forum.
Evaluation Criteria

Complexity The level of complexity used by the technique.
Creativity Whether the Lenses employ new ideas or have innovations.
Does the lens created by the feature work and provide benefits to the user?

Get Involved When you start building your

Phone Number List

House, all you need to do is print the bricks, make iron circuits, and all the other needs that you manually prepare and craft. Then you decide to build a house on a “just make it” basis without blueprints, so the specifications of the required materials may not match the needs of the house you want to build. The analogy is the same as building every aspect and element on a website from scratch. Of course, this approach is time-consuming and sounds far-fetched, right?

It’s a different story when you already FIND List have the blueprints for the house you want to build. You then purchase bricks, ironwork, etc. at the nearest construction store according to the specifications specified on the blueprint. With this approach, the process of building a house will be more efficient and less error-prone. The analogy is the same as building a website with a framework. Therefore, a JavaScript framework can be interpreted as the collection of JavaScript libraries available and required only by developers to help develop their websites. Whether the newly created Lenses have a significant number of users. (Proof via screenshots attached when submitting footage .


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