Attract attention with the ability to successfully gather

Yusuf, who loves a challenge and loves competition, immediately jumped at the opportunity. The developer with a passion for big data saw IDCamp as an opportunity to round out his product portfolio. Besides that, IDCamp has many enthusiasts and offers free programming courses. Although Yusuf knows that such learning activities are quite expensive. Yusuf therefore feels that IDCamp is a gift he should not waste.

IDCamp helped Yusuf further his machine learning knowledge. Through this scholarship program, Yusuf was able to complete advanced courses. Also, Yusuf was impressed that he could present his portfolio to many people, especially professionals in the human resources (HR) field. In fact, Yusuf admits that studying at IDCamp also helped him finish his thesis.

“By participating in IDCamp, I can use my knowledge to teach many people. My connections are also growing. I am seen by more people because I already have many skills.”

Not only judging from the enthusiasm

Yusuf pursued while working part-time, IDCamp is also considered to be very helpful to Yusuf’s full-time work. One of them is from a conceptual point of view. The learning process is conducted in Bahasa Indonesia and its simple presentation Georgia Mobile Number List makes it easy for Yusuf to understand what is being taught. Although Yusuf knows that machine learning course material should be difficult to understand.

Therefore, seeing that the learning process of IDCamp has brought good results to his job performance, Yusuf strongly recommends future digital talent candidates to participate. He said that it is rare for a technical learning program to have solid, complete materials in Bahasa Indonesia, with various case studies to make the learning process even more memorable.

“While there may be programs like IDCamp, you have to pay expensive fees, not free like IDCamp, which provides very valuable material. Therefore, IDCamp is suitable for people who are eager to learn but have limited funds.”


When you are young, you must have high

Phone Number List

Fighting spirit and constantly develop yourself. Dedicate yourself to the field of education like Yusuf, and make the knowledge you acquire more useful!

Muhammad Yusuf Aristyanto: Ongoing self-development of young developers. transparency
The next pillar is transparency. Blockchain FIND List offers unparalleled transparency when it comes to bookkeeping and auditing transactions. This is because the entire transaction history from anywhere cannot be manipulated, so no one can delete, change and manipulate any data, including the transaction history that has been stored and verified by the blockchain network.

Finally there is immutability or immutability. Immutability here means that data that has been entered into the blockchain cannot be changed or destroyed. Each block of information contains data in the form of facts or details about each transaction, which is processed using a function called a hash. This hash takes the form of an alphanumeric string generated individually from each block. By using a hash, it is ensured that no one can interfere with the system used and change the data stored in the block.

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