Do you need an Advertising and Guest Posting Policy?

In this post I tell you the reasons why I have decided to write an Advertising and Guest Posting Policy and how I did it. Hello! It’s cold? Here yes and no, it depends on the minutes of each hour. How crazy! No t-shirt, no jacket, chills, sweats, big nipples that are going to end up hurting… but this is it! Hahaha. And you? Does it happen to you too? Or is the weather more stable there? On the other hand, I wanted to tell you that today

The contact of brands, a symbol of the growth of a blog

Do you know something? Lately I have been receiving quite a few emails from companies proposing compensation or collaboration along the lines of “write about this service or product we offer and in exchange…”. And, to be honest, I love category email list receiving them . That a company contacts you and is willing to offer you compensation for writing is nothing more than a sign that I must be doing something right and that this little space we call a blog is growing in the right direction . TRUE? I already told you that I never imagined that this would happen. I’m super happy!

The need to maintain your principles and set a policy

But, as these new opportunities arrive, a devil whose name is “acho como mola” and last name “sell your soul” begins to stalk you . Money and success are very greedy but, if you do not manage them Find List well, they can be harmful. Amos, which is like drugs or cola-cao, depending on who you are. Do you know the concept of P/CP (Production / Production Capacity) balance? I discovered it by reading the book “ The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ”, a book that I recommend to you since it is helping me a lot. Well, in that book the story of the goose that laid the golden eggs is told . It turns out that a chicken gave one golden egg a day, which made its owner extremely happy.

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