Th summariz in the management of the personal data of its

Th summariz in the management of the personal data of its. Clients and corporate information that ranges. From storage protocols individual and joint responsibilities. To the timely response in case of an incident. Penalty regime In the last aspect on data protection in digital environments. Lawyer draws attention to three types of sanctions to. Which brands or businesses that do not comply with what the law establhes expos. Types of sanctions of the regime Admintrative. They impose fines of up to current legal monthly. Minimum wages in addition to temporary or immiate closure of the commercial establhment. suspension of any type of use of commercial information.

The early stages of a crisis to effectively

Civilians. They imply the recognition of damages for those acts that. Imply contractual and extra-contractual civil liability. Penalties. In the event that computer crimes hacking cracking. Duties within the sanctioning regime. It worth noting that mobile app development service according to resolution of it the duty of brands and businesses to manage personal. Data of all types of users Request a copy of the prior express and inform authorization of the owner. Inform the client about the purpose of the processing of their data. Implement a manual of data processing policies and procures. Keep personal information under necessary security conditions.

Why is the first stage of the crisis strategically decisive

Request prior express and inform authorization from the user to contact by telephone. If they going to offer product or service packages. We recommend that you also consult resolutions of and of. There you will find specificities on the authorizations for Find List the use of personal data for use in social networks databases calls from. Call centers by reference from a third party or for. Sending information and or adverting material. In order for you to expand these concepts on the management of personal data in. The conventional and digital sphere of your brand or business we again recommend.

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