Want an easy way to find and buy expiring domain names?
You may have your eye on a specific domain name for your brand, or perhaps you want to sell a marketable domain and make a profit.
When domain names expire, they don’t go on the market immediately. Depending on the domain registrar and their policies, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the domain name to be available for sale again. Instead of tracking it down every day, we’ll show you some easy ways to claim your domain name before someone else does.
In this guide, we’ll show you two ways to protect expired or soon-to-expire domain names. First, let’s clarify what we mean by an expired domain.
What is an expired domain name?
An expired domain name is one that has not been renewed by the owner. The registration agreement is terminated and the domain name becomes available for others to register.
When you register a domain name , you don’t buy it forever. You simply claim the domain for a set number of years. You have to pay for the domain every year you want to keep it.
If you don’t pay the renewal fee, your domain registration will expire. The domain name will then be put back on the market for someone else to use.
But the problem is that domain expirations are not that simple.
- The website owner can have domain expiration protection. This will keep the domain registered for up to one year after the renewal date in the current owner’s name.
- Domain registrars often provide a 30-day grace period if owners miss their renewal date.
- After the renewal grace period, they offer a redemption grace period. This allows domain owners to get their expired domains back. They will need to pay a redemption fee to get it back.
You may need to wait a while before registering an expired domain name. Below, we’ll walk you through the different stages of expired domain names so you know when the best time to buy them is.
What happens to an expired domain name?
Expired domains generally go through four stages:
1. Expired status and grace period
Domains that are not renewed first go into “expired” status. The domain registrar will stop all services, but the owner has time to renew it.
This period can vary from 10 to 45 days.
During this period, the owner only needs to pay the renewal fee to keep the domain.
If you want to know the expiration date of a domain name, you can check the WHOIS database . Just type in the name and you will see the domain details, including the expiration date.
2. Domain redemption period
If the domain owner does not renew the canada phone number library domain name during the grace period, it will move to the redemption zone.
The domain registration has been cancelled, but it is inaccessible to the public market. Therefore, no one will be able to register it.
If the domain owner chooses to renew it during this period, they will have to pay a redemption fee + renewal fee to get the domain name back. For example, Bluehost charges a $70 redemption fee + the regular renewal fee.
3. Domain auction or public market
Once the redemption period expires, the domain is free to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. GoDaddy Auctions is one of the most popular places to bid on domains.
It could also be released for registration on the public market.
These periods can vary so much that it is difficult to figure out exactly when you will be able to register the domain.
Now, what you need to know is that domain registrars may not immediately release the domain to the public. If it is of high value and in high demand, they allow people to backorder the domain name.
4. Backorders
You can think of a backorder as a pre-order for a product before it’s released. So before the domain goes back on the public market, you can place a backorder.
After the redemption period ends, backorders will have first preference.
You’ll receive a notification as soon as it becomes available so you can register immediately. Or, if more people are interested, you can join the auction.
Now you know the different stages a domain name goes through before you can actually claim it. If you’re looking for a valuable domain name, you’ll probably have to fight for it or negotiate a reasonable price with the seller.
Below, we’ll show you the best ways to register expiring domain names.
How to get an expired domain name?
There are many domain marketplaces amy saville-randall office manager that allow you to find domains that are pending deletion or about to expire. Two of the best methods for obtaining expiring domain names include:
- Placing an order on hold
- Hiring a Domain Broker
1. Placing a backorder on an expiring domain
Domains that are expiring can still be renewed by the current owner, but during this time, you can place a reserve order for the domain. Think of it as a placeholder. If the previous owner doesn’t renew it, you’ll be the first on the list to have a chance to register the domain.
Keep in mind that there may be multiple pending orders, especially if the domain name is in high demand. In this case, the domain will be auctioned off and awarded to the highest bidder.
We’ll show you how to backorder with Network Solutions , the world’s first domain registrar.
Step 1: Visit the Network Solutions website and open the Search Expired Domain tool .
You’ll see a search bar where you can search for the domain name you want. You can also browse through a list of all expiring domain names.
Step 2: When you press the “Search” button, Network Solutions will display a search results page with an option to place a bid.
You can also see a list of domains that are expiring today. This will allow you to jump on the backorder bandwagon early.
You can bid on any of these domains or even select multiple domains. All you need to do is choose the domain name and click the “Bid Now” button.
Step 3: On the next page, you will see a redirection to NameJet, just click on the Continue button .
NameJet is a premier auction platform for expired and deleted domain names. NameJet will give you several options to place your order on hold.
Step 4: On the NameJet page, you can bid phone number list on as many expired domain names as you want. First, you’ll need to sign up for a free account. Then, you’ll be able to pay for your bid.