CRM and displayed analytical reports

We have completely transferred all management accounting to S2 CRM. Now our accountant does not waste his time on transferring information about transactions to Google tables and forming, viewing reports there, but immediately uses the system. To do this, we set up the necessary fields, automated their filling in on the desktop inside the system.

Disadvantage of S2 CRM

The biggest drawback for us during the entire time of using CRM is the unfinished desktop with analytical reports. We would like to be able to set up one type of report, and depending on the position of the employee, set different filters for display.

Implementation costs
To make analytical reports job seekers database everything work the way we wanted, we had to invest about 500,000 rubles. The figure is impressive, but I want to note that we ordered a large number of specific modifications for ourselves, and this required additional integrations (for example, salary calculation, timesheets, etc.). Initially, we planned the cost of implementation at about 200,000 rubles, but our appetites grew each time, we decided to develop the system further when we saw the potential we needed in it.

I can fully recommend

the S2 CRM system, as it currently meets most of our needs.

The system allows:

Build communications among afb directory employees and departments.
Set up task systems to keep deals and clients on track.
Analyze the structure of the enterprise and make changes to increase profits.
Maintain management accounting without additional programs.
The future analytical reports belongs to systems that can integrate with third-party services and can develop in the widest possible range without restrictions. In this system, all of this is implemented perfectly.


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