- B2B marketing needs current and consistent data at each touchpoint to optimally meet customer needs
- Marketing data comes from various B2B marketing systems that can be efficiently linked via an API management platform
- An API management platform simplifies data maintenance and opens up new services, such as individual customer solutions and self-services
- An API management platform allows data adjustments to be made automatically and data to be delivered precisely to the target system
- An API management platform not only relieves the burden on corporate IT, but is also indispensable as a sustainable investment in the digital future
Many systems = many interfaces
In a classic point-to-point architecture, source systems and digital solutions are directly linked via interfaces (APIs). With ten what is an inbound marketing agency? systems, B2B marketing this results in 90 individual connections that must be implemented and managed mutually. With 20 systems, this is already 380 connections. This is time-consuming, inefficient and, above all, error-prone.
Data protection has priority
The majority of systems in which departments in B2B companies store marketing-relevant data are designed for internal use. If external users access digital products and services, things become critical: The information is subject to high data protection requirements, as is the case with sensitive customer data in the CRM system, for example. This is where an API management platform comes into play.
Efficiently connect systems and digital applications
The API management platform links the existing systems with the target systems. Unlike point-to-point, only one API needs to be developed b to c database and integrated per system. Once it has been defined and configured, there is a mutual exchange between the systems. The API also remains valid if the system landscape changes. All other B2B marketing processes can be mapped via the platform.
Provide consistent data at each touchpoint
An API management platform simplifies data maintenance. B2B marketing no longer holds the information itself, but instead uses the platform to access the source systems in which data is always up-to-date and consistent. This reduces the risk of communicating outdated information.
Meeting individual customer needs
In addition, B2B marketers no longer have to deal with IT requirements regarding security, scalability, etc. – the platform takes care of that. For example, free from complex IT dependencies, they can use data from a PIM and an OMS system to provide a configurator that customers can use to individually put together their desired product.
monetize services profitably
An API management platform thus enables use cases to be implemented securely and in line with requirements. Companies can monetize services, for example by requiring external users to pay for data access. It is possible to allow a certain number of free accesses per day and charge a fee for more than that. Another option is to charge a few cents for individual accesses.
Offer self-services flexibly
Self-services are becoming increasingly relevant. Here, an API management platform serves as the basis for a B2B online marketplace on which B2B marketing provides digital products and services. The B2B marketplace can also be open B2B marketing to customers and partners. Depending on their authorization, defined user groups can combine different services into a new solution.
Making data usable according to needs
Another advantage is that B2B marketers can transform data into the required format. In order to publish product information on Facebook, for example, the data must be adapted accordingly. The PIM system often stores twenty different characteristics for a product. However, only three values in a specific order are needed for publication in the target channel. This can be adapted to specific channels via the central platform and delivered precisely to the target system.
AI automates data adjustments
Artificial intelligence provides valuable support here by automatically generating a wide variety of product texts and translating the available information into the technical format specified by the target channel – without changing the underlying data set in the source system.
transparently monitor data usage
An API management platform enables B2B marketing to draw valid conclusions about aspects such as usage intensity and timing: When do most users access a system? Which data do they access most frequently? Which services are in particular demand? Are there user groups with certain preferences? These metrics help B2B marketers to continually optimize measures and adapt them to the needs of the target group.
An API management platform not only relieves the burden on corporate IT, but also ensures future viability. It allows digital products and even digital business models to be launched quickly and efficiently – and at comparatively low cost. This makes it a sustainable investment in the digital future.