Emanuele Costa head
contact name: Emanuele Costa contact job function details: head contact job function: contact job title: head contact job seniority: head […]
contact name: Emanuele Costa contact job function details: head contact job function: contact job title: head contact job seniority: head […]
contact name: Mariusz Janczyn contact job function details: software engineer contact job function: engineering contact job title: Software Engineer contact
contact name: Mary Hearne contact job function details: linguistic data in engineering contact job function: engineering contact job title: Manager,
contact name: Tom Atkins contact job function details: support contact job function: support contact job title: Head of Support contact
contact name: Giancarlo Sanchez contact job function details: mobile developer contact job function: engineering contact job title: Mobile Lead Developer
contact name: Stephen Stack contact job function details: experienced it it transformation strategist cloud architect contact job function: information_technology contact
contact name: Andrew O’Shaughnessy contact job function details: ceo contact job function: contact job title: Chief Executive Officer contact job
contact name: Kim Pham contact job function details: platform contact job function: contact job title: Head of Platform contact job
contact name: Andrew Nixon contact job function details: building surveyor contact job function: contact job title: Building Surveyor contact job
contact name: Adam Olejniczak contact job function details: software development engineering contact job function: engineering contact job title: Manager, Software
contact name: Christiane Schmidmeier contact job function details: research contact job function: contact job title: Research Associate contact job seniority:
contact name: Keith Carolan contact job function details: business business transformation contact job function: business_development contact job title: Senior Business