Live music costs less than record music cause the latter. I requires the payment of another type of rights namely relat rights . What are These are the rights that do not long to. I the actual author of the work but which concern third parties involv in the production process such as producers. I or record companies so to speak. etc. Please note the amount report as the balance is different. I from the one paid cause it only takes into account the amount due to SIAE therefore excluding other expenses such. I as secretarial costs relat duties etc.
These rights are in fact known
The environment as mechanical reproduction rights or. I master rights and are therefore link to the mium through which the music is reproduc CD iPod etc. . These rights are collect by another. I body the SCF Consorzio Fonografi. But don t worry you don t have to register for the SCF either cause you pay for it through SIAE. It s good to know all this to understand what you re going to pay Saint Lucia Email List To simplify. I things further low is the SIAE tariff table which can also found on the SIAE website Siae rates Oh yes I forgot. You may also have ask yourself why do these people ask me if we dance or not There s music and. I people will do whatever they want. Well know that once upon a time this was another variable that determin the. I final estimate if you danc the price increas Today fortunately no price changes apply you are free to dance or not dance for free.
Third section Now that you have select
Everything go ahead and… surprise here is the final price. I of your SIAE permit By clicking on the «pay now» button neless to say you will have to pay we accept payments. I with both Paypal and crit card . Fourth section Once the payment has en made you will find two extremely India Phone Number important documents . They are both to download print and present at the event with the. I SIAE and the summary of all the details of your request such as the name of the venue the numr of guests the starting time etc.