Caution: B2B companies should definitely Harmful Don’ts avoid these five behaviors during and after crises:
Communicating in an untrustworthy manner
The company must clearly accept responsibility. This means owning up to mistakes, not denying facts or reinterpreting them too much. It should also not downplay consequences or attack critics. After all, those who lie and conceal things remain Harmful Don’ts vulnerable on other levels. It is also easier to deal with mistakes when they are known and do not need to be concealed.
Responsibilities are not clearly defined and communicated
Clearly defined processes help to clearly control the flow of information. When is which stakeholder informed? To what extent is the legal department involved in communication? Responsibilities and authorization are handled by a central hong kong number data contact person. Only authorized persons contact the media. It is clearly defined which details are intended for the public (and which are not).
(Initial) blocking of media requests
B2B companies that are in crisis should talk to journalists. Because a lack of transparency attracts reporters like moths to a flame. If no official statements are made, the media will turn to other sources: employees, customers, competitors. Companies thus squander the opportunity to help shape what information is sent to the press.
Maintaining contact with journalists can what does an inbound marketing agency do? be worth its weight in gold. In the event of a crisis, they are the first to be contacted. As soon as the first reports appear, the interest of other editors wanes.
Informing beyond the target group
Information for stakeholders must be formulated in a way that is appropriate for the target group. Comprehensibility helps to win over the Harmful Don’ts public. The PR department must also find the right tone. Stakeholders may need to be addressed emotionally.
not following up on the crisis
Four important actions to take after the crisis has been overcome:
- After the crisis is before the crisis: Crisis communication must be analyzed in detail afterwards and weaknesses in the crisis plan b to c database must be identified. Particular attention must be paid to the question of whether the early warning system worked.
- Crises are opportunities: They provide the opportunity to learn. How do different stakeholders and the market react? Which media made it possible to work well together?
- Damage limitation: To prevent further Harmful Don’ts damage to your image, search engine results are “cleaned up” or mitigated using a suitable SEO strategy. Image campaigns help to iron out damage.
- Grooming: In a crisis, every employee has to do more than in calm times. That is why the management team thanks everyone and focuses energy and attention on a shared positive future.