There isn’t a single time frame you should strive for. There may be outliers who spend too little time or too much time, but the best number is the average amount of time people spend there.
➤ The length of the content on each page has a lot to do with the dwell time, as well as the overall quality of the page.
If you’re facing poor dwell times, you may simply not have enough content on the page to keep people engaged for long.
➤ There are also different themes that will result in longer or shorter dwell times.
Sites that have instruction manuals for doing something can retain people longer because they need access to all the steps while doing the project.
➤ The difficulty of the content is another important factor that will influence your average time spent on the course.
➤ The density of the topic and the number of references can also affect this time.
As a general rule:
- a dwell time of 30 seconds or less is not good;
- A dwell time of more than two minutes is good.
But remember: these are just basic averages that cover many different topics.
How to improve your dwell time? is-there-an
If you have a low dwell time, or simply america phone number list want to increase your dwell time, there are techniques you can apply to retain visitors on your page for longer.
When someone visits your site for the first time, you need to grab their attention and engage with the page quickly, otherwise they may return to the search engine to see if there are better results for their query.
Charging must be fast
To get that first attention that captivates 9 solutions that a legal account can offer your business users, the page itself has to load quickly . If it takes more than two seconds to load, you’ve already lost visitors due to slow speed .
The design must be attractive is-there-an
The design of the page should be christmas island businesses directory attractive and organized so that the user can see where the content is and what the page contains. The aesthetics of the layout should be related to ease of viewing and navigation.
Advertisements should be used wisely
Content should be available to users! When you have a fast, user-friendly, and responsive page , people are more likely to spend time on the page and look at the rest of your site.
This won’t happen if you are bombarded by pop-ups or have content that is hard to find because of all the ads.
The amount of content available is also important. This includes links to your other pages to generate engagement , as well as showing that you are an authority on the topic.
You can also use widgets that will tell your audience what is most popular on the site and what the most recent content is, for example.
Your website should be easy to read is-there-an
Another way to help with your dwell time is to provide users with content in a way that they can quickly view, process, and understand. Few people want to read a website the same way they read a book.
Often, they just want to find a specific answer when they visit a page. While your content should be complex and long enough to be evaluated well by the algorithm , it should be structured to make it easy to read.
Shorter sentences and paragraphs can help with this factor, as can adding subheadings and using lists with bullet points. It can also be helpful to have information available in different forms so each user can choose how to consume it.
Charts, infographics , videos, and images will help visitors get the information they want without feeling like they have to deal with a lot of content.
Your content must be of quality is-there-an
One of the most important factors is simply the quality of your content. When users click through to your site, the content they find has to make up for the time it takes to read it.
If the design is interesting, but the content is disappointing, you can’t expect people to stay there for long. After all, they visit your site for the content, so that should be the number one priority on your site.
You need good information that is well communicated and engaging. If you’re not sure what the topics of each page should be, start with keyword research to find out what terms people use to find content like yours.