Long form Content to Establish Brand Authority

This distinction makes it clear that you need to figure out which social media channel is best for you based on your brand goals. While new brands may want to start with Facebook and Instagram, brands looking to connect with high-end influencers may consider LinkedIn to reach a premium audience.

Influencer Marketing
People trust other people more than brands. Statistics show that for every dollar a brand spends on influencer marketing, they get $5.78 in return.

Looking at these massive ROI numbers, it is easy to see that the influencer market will not stop growing. And Instagram is the biggest channel. Close to 90% of all influencer marketing campaigns use Instagram as part of their strategy.

Select relevant social media channels

So in 2021, leveraging the power of trust between influencers and their followers will be a huge tool in your marketing arsenal.

interactive content
Interactive content allows you to add Whatsapp Data personalization to your marketing. This helps your audience feel heard and empathetic. Brands can also improve their customer data capabilities by learning what their community members are thinking.

Quizzes, calculators, polls, open-ended questions, surveys, etc. are all good examples of interactive content. You can also make regular content more interactive by highlighting phrases that users might want to share and creating tweetable links. Quotes from opinion leaders, interesting statistics, and informative one-liners from blog posts make great tweetable links.

Video content and podcasts
Video marketing is probably the most effective form of content marketing. People love video content, which is easier to consume than blog posts.

Influencer Marketing People Trust Other

It’s shorter, more interesting, and doesn’t require you to stop everything else you’re doing to interact. The Find List same goes for podcasts. When you want to use live video to increase brand engagement, social media features like Facebook Live can be your greatest asset.

Videos and podcasts are device-agnostic. Unlike text-based content, videos maintain their format when viewed on screens of different sizes. Because people love video more, Google ranks video-rich content higher in search engine optimization (SERPs), which also improves your SEO rankings.

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