While those members in theory

In the first camp are those who believe that the Unit Nations has real influence on the world by setting rules and norms between nations. Just the conversations that are happening in the UN are important The Unit Nations has employees spread out around the world.Photo iStockPhoto In the other camp are those who believe that despite all of these powers the Unit Nations merely reflects the agendas of the member states.

Either way the national makeup

Of senior positions that run the Unit Nations can tell us a lot about which countries are actually calling the shots in world affairs. Even if you think the UN is merely reflecting the world order instead of creating it you should still know who is running it says Werker. Although the Fiji Email List Unit Nations Secretariat the executive arm of the organization has some employees worldwide most of the strategic decisions are made by or so senior officials. Head by the secretary general the Secretariat plays key roles in agenda setting for various deliberative UN organizations and manages global peace keeping operations—including the UN s response to the Ebola outbreak.

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There is keen competition and string

Pulling among nations to win those upper level staff appointments. are suppos to check their national allegiances at the door in practice that s not the case says Werker. Both the UN s own analysis and remarks by diplomats over the decades have indicat nations really do act in their own Thailand Whatsapp Number national interest. By looking at the national composition of Secretariat staffing over the years Werker hypothesiz that it is possible to show the changing nature of world power providing another and perhaps better way to measure international influence than traditional measures such as counting the number of tanks and bombs countries possess.

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