Replicated on mobile and for 408 keywords

The higher the volume, the more difficult it is to position a keyword, which is why the 582 that correspond to this search volume range “only” return 0.21% of zero positions.

Specific data extracted from the semrush study on google’s position zero in colombia
let’s go with colombia as the third and final country to be studied.

Google featured snippets – types of questions in colombia

in this country, the question most asked by desktop users is related to “how” (670 keywords) and is materialized in 50.60% of featured snippets.

If we go to the mobile version, there are 15,504 keywords positioned for “how” and they generate 36.40% of fs.

At the other extreme, the 26 desktop keywords that begin with “who” do not get any featured snippet, a behavior that is  positioned.

Now we have to see the number of words per keyword that make up the colombian featured snippets.

Google featured snippets – number of words per keyword in colombia

The 10,346 3-word keywords in the analysis. Translate into 11.36% of snippets on desktop. While the 190,672 mobile snippets only achieve 7.74%.

The highest percentage. Positioned according to our data and that have. A length of 9 words.

In the case of mobile, the highest brazil phone number list percentage of positions 0 is 22.22% and corresponds to the 22,032 keywords of 6 words in length.

Who are the losers in terms of fs types of questions in mexico percentage in this “fight”.

And how do featured snippets compare to other serp features in colombia?

Google featured snippets. Relationship with other formats in colombia.

In this country, 7,322 desktop keywords achieve 24.76% of fs for the “other. User questions” format, which in the case of mobile. And translates into 20.18% of featured snippets.

The 7,270 positioned keywords that share. The format of the “local pack” reach 2.60% of fs on desktop. While on mobile, out of 121,584 keywords, the percentage of featured snippets in the local pack is 1.23%.

And what is happening in colombia with search volumes and devices?

In contrast, for 208 keywords with a search spam data volume of more than 100,000, the percentage that is reversed is a resounding 0%.

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