They can  more easily stolen

Although the next section is dicat to advice I would like to warn you of one precaution . To make sure you rememr to take everything in the room visible or not immiately set a reminder on your cell phone for the day of departure to remind you of the valuables in the safe. . Useful tips info iconLet s take a small leap into the past to the moment when the hotel staff welcomes us and shows us the safe or even fore.

When you are about to leave

After reading the article you will rightly have come smarter and you will  thinking of some tricks to avoid using the safe or to use it without taking too many risks. That s why I d like to leave you with some helpful tips and precautions always taken from the experts of Taiwan Email Lists course Avoid carrying valuables with you . If you really can t do without it at least don t overdo it Hotel safes guarantee only a minimum of security . Don t put objects of unique value in the safe such as your passport Make a copy of your travel documents such as identity card passport tickets etc. In the event of loss or misplacement copies may serve as substitutes.

Country Email List

Many hotels have a security safe

The concierge or office. It is liev to  safer than those of the rooms. This is cause the hotel is fully and solely responsible for custody. Avoid using safes that are Switzerland Phone Number not set into the wall.  Do not use your crit card to pay for the safe risk of skimming see paragraph n° Find a way to rememr that you have deposit your valuables in the safe otherwise you run the risk of forgetting them in the hotel see paragraph n° Bring a padlock with you so you can use your suitcase as an alternative to a safe. Always leave the Do Not Disturb sign hanging outside the door.

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