Quelch the Charles ward Wilson Professor of Business Administration holds a joint appointment at Harvard School of Public Health as Professor in Health Policy and Management. Creating Demand One big open question is the degree to which illegal demand will be significantly diminish by the availability of recreational marijuana says Quelch. And a second is how much will overall.
Most recreational buyers seem
To be casual users. In fact for those six months recreational marijuana account for percent of the million in tax revenue from marijuana sales with the state pricting million in the next fiscal year. As Quelch found in his research however the picture is more complicat than mical Chad Email List versus recreational users. You really have four markets says Quelch micinal individual grower recreational and the illegal market. Each segment shows different dynamics in terms of its sensitivity to price marketing and convenience. Micinal consumers for example do not care so much about variety.
Once you find the strain and supply source
That best alleviates your pain you are going to stick with it says Quelch. But micinal users are frequent customers so they do care about price. They do not ne to buy it at a fancy store—they ll go to a back alley basement shop as long as the product delivers. “ AND R.J. REYNOLDS ARE Arabia Whatsapp Number LOOKING CAREFULLY AT THIS” Recreational users are the opposite they are looking for variety and willing to pay extra for it. Many recreational users come in from out of state and enjoy the novelty of the shopping experience—and the cost structure goes up if you offer a well fixtur retail store says Quelch.