Competitive Analysis Tools That You Can Use

Analyzing the performance of competitors is a recurring discipline of business strategies. Competitive Analysis That is why competitive analysis tools are one of the most important points for the entire system of planning and execution of actions related to marketing and, especially, Digital Marketing . Regardless of whether your business or venture has been in the market for a short time or a long time, analyzing the strategies of other companies is essential for making decisions and, at the same time, differentiating yourself from the rest to obtain an advantage over your competition .

Competitive Analysis Tools

One of the most popular competitive analysis email database tools and number one in the Marketing Tools LATAM survey for more than 25% of the companies that participated in the report. It focuses on SEO and SEM , and provides the possibility of studying and comparing the data generated by your blog or website with your closest competitors. SEMrush searches the entire website for domains and shows information about organic positioning and the investments they make in advertising .

A Platform That Began as an Internal Project

A platform that began as an Find List internal project and, after the good results, they decided to commercialize it. Boardfy is used to monitor everything related to the prices that. Your competitors have for their products and services . In addition, it allows you to identify new companies that sell items similar to yours, know. What price they sell at, and notify you when they make an increase or discount on their products. It is perfect for making financial and marketing decisions. As it gives you a very broad context of the reality of the market.

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