With all this GE is evolving its business model. Now for e. Ixample revenue from its jet engines is tied to reduced downtime and miles flown over the course of a year. After just th. Iree years GE is generating more than . billion in incremental income with digitally enabled outcomes based business models. The company expects that number to double in and again in.
Publisher s link http hbr.org digital ubiquity
how connections sensors and data are revolu. Itionizing business ar NOVEMBER HAR. IVARD BUSINESS REVIEW How Not to Cut Health Care Costs By Kaplan Robert S. and Derek A. Haas ABSTRACT—Health care providers in much of the world Jordan Phone Number List are trying to respond to the tremendous pressure to reduce costs but evidence suggests that many of their attempts are counterproductive raising costs and sometimes decreas. ing the quality of care. Using evidence from field research conducted at more than health care provider organiza. Itions Kaplan and Haas identify five common mistakes when managers attempt to cut health care costs.
The mistakes are triggered primarily by working
From the line item expense categories on P Ls rather than clinically based structural models of the processes actually used to deliver care. by optimizing the quantity and mix of all the resources needed to produce excellent outcomes for a patient s Japan Telegram Number medical condition not by across the board reductions in line item expenses. Publisher s link http hbr.org how not to cut health care costs ar NOVEMBER HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW How Smart Connected Products Are Transforming Competition By Porter Michael E. and James.