Digital Report 2018: Digital Numbers

 Digital report 2018: digital numbers digital some data to understand the trend of digital there is a lot of talk about digital and its diffusion around the world. But how can we really understand the extent of this growth? To be sure that these are not just slogans in favor of digital. Just think about reliable data and statistics! The data does not lie and. On the contrary. Gives us the picture of the current situation and the pulse of the digital revolution underway! What are the numbers you can trust? They are those of the digital report 2018 . The research release by we are social and hootsuite. A point of reference for the state of digital throughout the world! How many users are connecte worldwide?

How many users are connected worldwide

 As expecte. Between 2017 and 2018 digital had extraordinary growth in italy and latest database throughout the world! According to the analysis of data collecte by the 2018 digital report. There are more than 4 billion digital users worldwide : compare to 2017. There was a growth of 7%! Of these 4 billion. 250 million were users connecte for the first time in 2017. Using mobile devices: the increase is due to increasingly convenient smartphone tariff plans! Connecte people mainly browse social networks: in fact. There are around 3.2 billion social users. 13% more than last year. The most love social network in the world is still facebook with 2.100 billion active users and a growth of 15%! Followe by youtube with approximately 1.500 billion active users.

What does the 2018 Digital Report say for Italy

Whatsapp and facebook messenger both with 1.300 billion active users worldwide! Compare to facebook. Whatsapp and messenger Find List had double growth: + 30%! To stay within the facebook circuit. Instagram has also had impressive growth. Tripling the number of active users compare to the previous year! In the 2018 digital report. In fact. Instagram comes in 7th place among the social networks most love by people! What does the 2018 digital report say for italy? The report shows the strong growth of digital in italy too. Let’s look at some data: 43 million is the total number of connecte users. Equal to 73% of italians in 2017. 4 million new users connecte to the internet (+10% compare to 2016) of these 43 million. 

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