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Or do you want to analyze for yourself. How many google featured snippets your. Domain or your clients’ domains. Have from our “ position tracking ” tool?when it comes to professional skills related to marketing. Talking about soft skills in marketing becomes. Absolutely necessary to have a focused view of the topic.

For this reason, in this article we are going to explain. What they are, which are the most requested and. Why company managers are requesting them with increasing frequency.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are those abilities that have allowed us to relate and function intelligently within our environment, be it family, school, university or work.

Without knowing it, we have always used them because even in the schoolyard there were true masters in the use of these soft skills.

Let’s go back to the schoolyard, the one from when we were children.

The schoolyard has always had its own ecosystem, with its own rules, its roles, its periods and its hierarchies, where you started from the bottom and grew and rose in social status in the playground.

You started out as one of the little ones, a nobody, who had to fight to “survive” in a harsh habitat, you were often taken canada phone number list advantage of by the older ones, but you looked forward to the next year to climb the social ladder.

And in the end, you too entered into the cycle of life in the courtyard.

In addition, you had other concerns, such as establishing your place within your class.

Because in the playground, the class was a united group, a collective feeling in front of the others, a: “we are the 3rd b class and we are the best, uhhh…”

all together with the class, like fuenteovejuna…

even those who were marginalized in the classroom replicated on mobile and for 408 keywords were the marginalized of 3rd b but not anyone else’s, they were our marginalized, with a feeling of ownership over others.


You were forming your personality, you were working on your soft skills.

Mastering these skills

enhancing them, working on them, knowing them… Is now a quality highly sought after by companies.

Perhaps when we were children we did it spam data instinctively, without thinking about it, without even giving it importance, but in the workplace we have to work on them.

If you look back, you will see that you were already working on your soft skills from a very young age, so why not now?

And we will distinguish them from hard skills, those that we understand as specialized.

In the class there was always someone who studied a lot, someone who was fluent in english, someone who was good at chemistry… But on many occasions these same people did not get along well with the rest of their classmates, they were somewhat isolated and, on some occasions, they were labeled as weird.

They were not chosen, because they did not have those other skills.

Hard skills are learned and are essential for performing a specific task, while soft skills are part of one’s personality.

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