You can think that people have only crude

These regions and cities are trying to decide what kind of regions and cities they want to . California is a good case study. A few years ago California was in complete crisis fiscally. One option was to come a more competitive state—lower taxes lower spending lean and mean. The other perspective was No that s not who California is. They decid to raise taxes and to continue to support a wide set of public goods including support for the poor.

Your research is ultimately hopeful

About finding a middle ground on issues like the minimum wage and tax policy. A  knowlge about the minimum wage and that they get it only from screaming Paraguay Email List people on TV and to some extent that s true. But on the other hand there are people screaming on TV about the minimum wage. It may  a good sign that Americans have discussions with that kind of passion about what might seem like dry policy issues. At the same time in reality most normal people who do not have microphones find both sides somewhat right. Much of my recent research on tax policy where the same trade offs are at stake has shown that most people are sympathetic to the logic hind progressive taxes and simultaneously the logic hind flatter taxes.

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The policies we see whether tax rates

Or the minimum wage reflect the public s efforts to find the right balance tween these competing arguments. That may not  pretty but it makes me hopeful. Q How Australia Phone Number do people make decisions about these big economic questions A Economists have a very good way of thinking carefully—scientifically you might say—about the mechanical effects of an economic policy. We are not very good at thinking about the broader value judgments underneath those decisions.

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