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Dimenstein pursu his idea of learning neighborhoods which meant a local. Iiz low cost and effective way to leve. Irage the exist. Iing available resources as ucational opp. Iortunities. The resources were underutiliz because of a lack of awareness. He believ that ucation should not be limit to.

The classroom and instead should be expand

A to the entire city. Catraca Livre enabl Sao Paulo s reside. Ints to utilize untapp resources by aggregating all of the available resources and disseminating the information through multiple avenues including a website subways restaurants workplaces and more. This case shows how India Phone Number List Dimenstein spearheads his solution to improve his city and offers a model for revitalizing cities around the world. Advanc Leadership Pathw an PDF ENG HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CASE Havas Change Faster As of Havas was the sixth largest global advertising digital and communications group in the world. Headquarter in Paris.

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France the group was highly decentralism

With semi independent agencies in more than countries offering a variety of services. The largest unit of Havas was Havas Worldwide an integrat marketing Italy Phone Number communications agency headquarter in New York. CEO David Jones was determin to make Havas Worldwide the most future focus agency in the industry by becoming a leader in digital innovation.

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