Insider Techniques for Finding Customer Contact Numbers


And most mention that the posts include step-by-step instructions. This tells us that these things are likely important to searchers and worth including in the meta description. Be aware of serps like standing desk that serve other purposes. 7 standing desks results you can see theres a variety of results here. Some of them are blog posts reviewing the best office desks.


And some are product category pages from online stores. In this case. You should take inspiration from the page snippets that are closest to the type of content you publish. If youve written a blog about standing desks. Check out these reviews and pare the articles. If youve already create an emerce category page.


 Take a look at these pages

Use active voice active voice makes descriptions clearer and entices clicks by  Chinese Australia directly addressing searchers. Here is an example: activevoice md you can see that it starts with a verb and makes the searcher the subject of the sentence. In other words. Its the searchers who do it.

Now look at this: passive voice its boring and unmotivate pare to the first example. This is because  Afghanistan Phone Number List  it is written in the passive voice. Hint.I wrote a poor example to prove this point. This is not a true description. Of course. Its not always wise to write meta descriptions in the active voice.


 For example it does not work with

descriptions that define styles. But generally speaking. Passive voice is a better choice. Click here to learn more about the difference between active and passive voice . Be concise and to the point meta descriptions are not for telling stories. Every wording matters because users can quickly decide what to click by browsing the results. Insider Techniques for Finding  Insider Techniques for Finding


And descriptions are truncate after a certain length.  tie knots snippets currently. This length is px ~6 characters) on desktop and 6px ~ characters) on mobile. Your best option to keep them at a certain length is to use a tool like this . Or use a wordpress seo plugin like yoast that has built-in functionality .


meta description length whether youre targeting mobile or desktop users. Your optimization will work best depending on your audience. If you typically want to provide a longer description for desktop users. Then make sure to hit the point at ¾ length so that even mobile users can see it. Whats the point here Be concise and clear for the user. Insider Techniques for Finding


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