The new Congress must recommit itself

Starting in the federal government set explicit goals for Fan. Knie and Freddie to ensure that mortgages reached historically underserved families and communities. In this new system t. Kere is broad agreement across party lines that we must maintain a commitment to support affordable housing for working families including funds for low income rental initiatives.

We need a common securitization platform

To increase access for a diverse set of private investors. Currently Fannie Mae Freddie Mac and the plethora of private issuers have their own guidelines. A common platform will make this new system user friendly. In fact the federal Housing Finance Luxembourg Phone Number List Agency is already working towards a common securitization platform including a commitment to a single security for both Fannie and Freddie. Now we must get there before inertia gains even more momentum.  to drafting legislation that will transform housing finance in the twenty first century.

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Even the leaders of Fannie and Freddie

Have decried the state of limbo in which the enterprises find themselves and want to find a way out. In the world of housing finance as in Wonderland we have no Google Maps. Instead we must first answer some questions. In a revamped trillion single Thailand Telegram Number family mortgage market we want private capital. How much will we need to assume the first loss position and protect taxpayers Is it billion reflecting a percent capital buffer Or will billion percent suffice Pick a figure.

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