Reza Albian Jawas Internet café owner and application developer

Lecture by Reza Albian Jawas (25) at UGM is coming soon. To pay for his education, Reza worked various jobs, from waitress to Internet cafe operator. How is the struggle? Let’s take a look at the following.

early independence
If high school is usually synonymous with colorful youth stories, Reza was different, he lived independently from a young age. For a better future, the first of two siblings had to migrate 140 kilometers from their home in Indramayu to attend school in Bandung city.

In the City of Flowers, Reza himself is a boarding house. In order to fulfill his parents’ wishes, he is willing to travel far away to acquire knowledge. The father was a man who suffered a disaster of layoffs and later became a businessman with an unstable income. He wants his eldest son to have the best education possible. Meanwhile, his housewife mother prayed that Reza would improve the status of the family.

It was the devout prayers of his parents

that allowed Reza to dream of studying at UGM, his favorite university in Yogyakarta. The waves and obstacles Reza faced during college were so challenging that he was required to become a skilled sailor so that his studies could go smoothly.

Become a waiter for an Internet cafe operator to be able to continue your studies
After graduating from high Exit Mobile Number List school, Reza was successfully accepted into UGM’s Computer Science and eLearning program. However, when his school journey first began, Reza was short on funds and threatened with withdrawal. But looking back on what he’s been trying to do since high school, Reza doesn’t want his efforts to go to waste.

“To stay in university and survive, I worked several side jobs. I’ve worked as a restaurant server, hotel owner, barista and even an Internet cafe operator.”

Due to financial difficulties, he was in arrears on rent for the dormitory for two years. In order to pay off this debt, Reza, who worked part-time, had to pay out of pocket. Money concerns forced Reza to take a break from college to focus on work. As a result, Reza’s studies lasted longer than other students generally did. He didn’t graduate until his fifth year of college.

When Reza worked hard enough, his sweat paid off.

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It is this time after time of exams that motivates Reza to focus on his studies, make his future more organized, and make his life easier.

After studying, Reza realized something. These regulations are not enough to really enter the working world. It was this realization that led him to FIND List discover Awaken, the program that brought him to a turning point in his life.

When Reza finds light at the end of the tunnel
A series of experiences brought Reza to the bottom of his life. In one of them, his GPA was stuck at 1.93 in the tenth semester because his study priority was replaced by side activities.

Finally, walking down a long dark tunnel, Reza found a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Through a network of friends, Reza met Bangkit.

At first, Reza thought Bangkit was just an ordinary IT training program. Obviously, the significance of “Rise” is much more than that. If Reza can be part of this independent campus project, then there is hope that he will be able to stand high. Reza even took a risk on Bangkit as usual because he had to catch up after vacation. He did it all to become a professional ready to work after graduation.

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