This type of campaign has the advantage of allowing very precise targeting of your audience. Finally interactive content such as quizzes games or even surveys are interesting to the extent that they generate a lot of engagement. By varying your game and exploiting different formats you will able to animate your community without tiring and strengthen the existing bond with your customers.
Thanks to this summary
You will guarante to always use the right image sizes on social networks . Adapt to your audience The world of social networks is a world that is constantly evolving Faroe Islands Email List and very quickly. Posting on Twitter Facebook or Instagram it is always essential to regularly study and adapt to your audience in order to stay in line with their current expectations. of your community well and regularly test new types of content. We can then analyze the results to refine our communication. Several criteria must examin Socio demographic criteria what is the age income level or sector of activity of your typical customer For example a fast food chain will probably target young people without specific income requirements.
Geographic criteria within a franchise
Each point of sale seeks to attract customers in its catchment area . The memrs of your community on social networks must therefore live preferably in your Egypt Telegram Number geographical area havioral criteria for example are your customers more often on their computer or on their smartphone In the second case setting up a drive to store campaign can prove very neficial. By focusing on these different questions you will able to build the most effective publication schule possible and determine an itorial line for social networks.