Norton There is an interesting difference between

At Noma for example they let you keep the menu after the meal. I think that s clever—people are there for the experience and they are there to document it. Khaire And many times they stumble upon these good business practices. At Noma one of the most popular things is the kitchen tour at the end of the meal. It started as somebody asking worriedly Can we do this a. Ind the chef saying Oh sure. And they realized that people liked it and it had huge benefits.

HBSWK Why do you think things like

The keepsake menu and the kitchen tour are so important yet have nothing to do with the food Khaire But it s part of the experience. You are paying almost for lunch so bein. Ig made to feel part of the in crowd is actually really beneficial and important. Noma Georgia Phone Number List has one four hour seating for lunch everyb. Idy greets you when you en. Iter they all say hello and the chef giv. Ies you a hug. It s part of the myth not the myth because it s reality but it is part of the lege. Ind of Noma and makes people want to go there. HBSWK Do you think th. Iose added things are part of the creative vision or are they added to sell it more as a business Khaire I got the sense they wer. Ie part of Rene s vision. Really good makers of things are enthusiastic about shar. Iing them and this is a way for them to interact with more people.

Phone Number List

There is a pride in transparency and it also

Happens to work as a way to get loyal adoring customers to spread the word. artists and product designers. Artists don t necessarily want you Ethiopia Telegram Number to be happy. They want you to have an experience they designed for you. They are not trying to make you sm. Iile with something delicious—they are trying to provoke you and surprise you. And artists can t see if they have been effective unless they interact with people. HBSWK They w. Iant to see their audience. Keinan It s really interesting to think of the motivations of consumers as well.

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