While there is some evidence of firm

Download working paper http ssrn abstract Scale and Innovation During Two U.S. Breakthrough Eras pdf By Nicholas Tom ABSTRACT—The effect of scale on innovation is central to traditional endogenous growth theory and to new theoretical approaches that focus on variability in innovation outcomes within the firm size distribution. Using new data on.

U.S. R D firms active during

The interwar and post WWII periods this paper examines long run effects. Although the level and quality of innovation scal strongly with firm size innovation novelty was considerably more invariant to firm size across both breakthrough eras.  level heterogeneity as a determinant Ecuador Email List of the scale effect the new data highlight the importance of variability in the nature of technological discovery. Download working paper http hbs faculty Publication Files e cf cfc b da e f b.pdf pdf Seesaws and Social Security Benefits Indexing By Weinzierl Matthew ABSTRACT—The price indexation of Social Security benefit payments has emerg in recent years as a flashpoint of debate in the Unit States.

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I characterize the direct effects

That changes in that price index would have on retirees who differ in their initial wealth at retirement and mortality rates after retirement. I propose a simple but flexible Singapore Whatsapp Number theoretical framework that converts benefits reform first into changes to retirees consumption paths and then into a net effect on social welfare. I calibrate that framework using recently produc data on Social Security beneficiaries by lifetime income decile and both existing and new survey evidence on the normative priorities Americans have for Social Security.

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