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These tradeoffs lead to a comprehensive discussion of the defining features of MSPs. The formal model we develop focuses on the MSP vs. vertical integration choice which we interpret in the context of professional services. A key tradeoff emerges between the ne to motivate observable effort by professionals best achiev by. in determining international priorities—do we go after land mines or gender disparity or corruption Any of these decisions will help some countries and hurt others.

MSP and the ne to coordinate

Decisions that generate spillovers across profes. Isionals best achiev by a vertical integrat firm . We show how this baseline tradeoff is impact by the nature of cont. Iracts available to the vertically integrat firm and the MSP and whether professionals hold private information. Download Dubai Email List working paper http hbs faculty Publication Files d f cf b e c d c e.pdf pdf The Search for Benchmarks When Do Cr. Iowds Provide Wisdom By Lee Charles M.C. Paul Ma and Charles C.Y. Wang ABSTRACT—We compare the performance of a comprehensive set of alternative peer identification schemes us in economic benchmarking. Our results show the peer firms identifi from aggregation of inform agents reveal choices in.

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Lee Ma and Wang perform best

Follow by peers with the highest overlap in analyst coverage in expl. Iaining cross sectional variations in base firms out of sample a stock returns b valuation multiples Philippine Whatsapp Number growth rates d R D expenditures e leverage and f profitability ratios. Conversely peer firms identifi by Google and  competitors glean from K disclosures turn in consistently worse performances. We contextualize these results in a simple model that pricts when informati. Ion aggregation across heterogeneously inform individu. Ials is likely to lead to improvements in dealing with the problem of economic benchmarking.

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