Announcement of Selected Participants of Baparekraf Digital Talent Promotion Program 2022

The Ministry of Tourism Announcement of Selected and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency  is offering another opportunity to provide free training to Indonesian developers in 2022.

As in previous years, this learning facility is designed to learn Dicoding online programming for free. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency  opens this opportunity to the widest range of Indonesian citizens regardless of age, educational background, occupation, etc.

The training facility provided is the Basics of Network Programming course (

Today, we announced the list of selected participants for the program. A list of selected participants can be viewed at the following link:

Training session access tokens

Will be sent to selected participants’ emails immediately.

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you and have fun studying! 4. Self-awareness
Once theory of mind can be embodied in an AI, sometime in the distant future, the final step to becoming a perfect AI will Cambodia Mobile Number List be self-awareness. In this type of artificial intelligence, machines already have the same level of consciousness as humans. In addition to understanding the emotional state of human beings, he also began to have his own emotions and understand his own existence in this world.

self-aware robot
When Tiyas continued his studies in Information Engineering at Cipta Karya School of Computer Science Informatics (STIKOM CKI), his wish to be able to participate in the DTS project came true. At that time, Tiyas had moved to the East Jakarta area to study and teach IT at IDN boarding school. Then, by enrolling in the Digital Talent Scholarship Professional Academy Android Program (DTS PROA Android), Tiyas hopes to add to his learning experience, acquire new knowledge, and deepen his knowledge in the field of Android.

The prayers of Tiyas to be a DTS PROA

Phone Number List

Android participant have been answered. He was successfully admitted to the program, but whether he likes it or not, he has to face a new challenge, which is the problem of time allocation. Tiyas are required to schedule studies at DTS, conduct campusN FIND List activities and teach at the IDN boarding school. In order to keep these three main activities in harmony, Thias decided to sacrifice his evening rest. It was then that Thias would complete various assignments for DTS.

Tiyas didn’t feel alone when learning on DTS PROA Android was difficult. His direct mentor is his mentor Derry Sudrajat, Android Developer at LinkAja. Thias found his mentor to be very, very helpful. Whenever Tiyas felt stuck, the mentor immediately had a 1:1 meeting with him via Google Meet. The rest, Thias by reading and reviewing

Existing material independently conducts the learning process. As a community servant, Aprile lived by these values of integrity throughout her life. For him, being honest and maintaining a harmonious mind are important things that must always be adhered to. In line with this, DTS PROA and its learning approach that participant to honestly present their best performance share the same values.encourages each

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