Announcement of the second batch of candidates for the Independen

In cooperation with the Directorate Announcement of the General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for the first time, through the second course, students are provided with learning opportunities to hone and improve their abilities according to their talents and interests, preparing them for future careers. 2022 batch of accredited independent study programs. This certified independent study is designed to set the industry standard for talent. 6,419 enthusiastic applicants from all over Indonesia have registered and participated in a very rigorous selection process to qualify for the program. The selection process was rigorous and thorough, and today we are proud to announce the second cohort of 400 participants for the Independent Campus Accredited Independent Study Program for 2022. You can see the list.

who are not chosen, don’t give up, keep trying. Open your email (promotion/spam/spam), we have sent you an interesting scholarship offer that you can enter. Have questions about this program? Send it to Let’s prove globally that Indonesian students have digital skills! Regards, Indonesia Decoding.

Segments are very contiguous.

This makes it easier for me to manage the learning process. While the backend material presented is actually complex, the material presented by AWS and Dicoding is very lighthearted and easy to understand. The analogy given is easily digested by the mind.

Since then, Allen has struck a chord Changsha Mobile Number List with the difference between hard and soft skills
Everyone must have hard and soft skills. The most basic difference between these two competencies is that hard skills can be demonstrated by showing that you have hard skills, while you cannot demonstrate soft skills because soft skills are related to everyone’s attitude, intelligence, communication skills, which may different from soft skills. another.

it’s here. From college graduation to eventual graduation, this shortcut is a source of data theft for some time.
If life in the virtual universe doesn’t go the way he wants, it can lead to depression.
Create variety in your daily activities.

Make otherwise mundane things interesting.

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Increases one’s sensitivity to developing techniques.
Enhance the experience of using technology.
Work anywhere, anytime.
So, what is the metaverse?
So that’s our discussion of the metaverse. How about this virtual world is quite interesting, isn’t it? Metaverse is a 3D virtual world created FIND List using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, aiming to be a communication platform so that every user can work and play in this virtual world. Provided financial help to Allen. However, the strict policy implemented by Android Publisher later made Alan think that he could not always rely on this method. As a tech graduate, he really had to learn coding across the board if he wanted to create published work.

We use 3 criteria in determining students for admission to this program, namely 1) attainment of selection points; 2) completion of initial administrative requirements, and 3) approval letter from the supervisor to transfer credits for the program.

We contacted selected participants from 34 study programs at 135 universities in Indonesia. Good luck to the 400 selected students. Don’t let your guard down, because your journey has just begun! Those

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