This paper seeks to ruce the ambiguity

This paper presents a model that reconciles these apparently contradictory perspectives. We show that if the source of long term advantage is model as a stock of capability that accumulates over time a firm s proclivity to manage short term earnings at the expense of long term investment can have very different consequences depending on whether the firm s capability is close to a critical tipping threshold.

When the firm operates above this threshold

Managing earnings smoothes revenue and cash flow with few long term consequences. Below it managing earnings can tip the firm into a vicious cycle of accelerating decline. Our results have important implications for understanding managerial incentives and the internal processes that create sustain advantage. Paper Information Full Working Paper Text pdf Working Paper Publication Date October HBS Working Paper Number First Argentina Phone Number List Look NOV Behind The Negotiations For house Of Cards When Netflix announc its intention to carry the political drama House of Cards it was the first time the company foray into original programming. But the risk was also high for the show s production company Mia Rights Capital.

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A new case by Anita Elberse MRC

House of Cards looks at MRC s decision to forego a possible agreement with a traditional premium cable network. A Better Understanding Of Crony Capitalism Professor emeritus Malcolm S. Salter explores the idea and reality of crony capitalim in Australia Whatsapp Number a new working paper.surrounding our understanding of what crony capitalism is what it is not what costs crony capitalism leaves in its wake and how we might contain it according to Salter. The paper Crony Capitalism American Style What Are We Talking About Here is available on SSRN.

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