Be Consistent but Not Overbearing

Don’t flood your social meia fees with just that type of content. It may come across as salesy. Pushy. Or overbearing to a prospect or customer. However. If you say too little it may seem like you don’t care about your commitments. A mix of content is always good in your social meia fee. The key is to keep your ethos and values in mind for every post on your social channels. Take nike as an example. With so much content and ground that you can cover in terms of topics or issues. The company puts its values front and center which is obvious from this iteration of its twitter profile. Be Consistent but Not Overbearing

Nike twitter profile

Nike twitter profile nike twitter profile with two hashtags in their profile supporting black rights and advocating for the cessation new database of asian hate. It’s obvious where their focus lies. But their twitter fee is full of content that both entertains and is diverse. Supporting sports people. Promoting new products and looking back at moments in sporting history. Never forgetting their commitment to csr. Here’s a tribute to serena williams after her final tennis match. Which includes a prompt for followers to share their stories. Nike serena william’s retirement tweet nike serena william’s retirement tweet read more about how nike always stays ahead of the curve. Why choose dmi?


new base

Be an advocate for change with a csr program. It’s important to be focuse. Just because something is trending on social meia doesn’t mean you should link your Find List csr issues to it. However. There are times when it is important to take action and be vocal about issues that matter to your industry and can harm society. In 2020. A #stophateforprofit movement was starte by social justice groups urging companies to boycott facebook (and other social meia channels) for one month due to its inaction on hate speech and misinformation. At first many of the companies that took part were small. But larger brands also signe up such as bestbuy. Be Consistent but Not Overbearing.

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