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Humanize Your Brand

North face. Diageo. Walgreens. And adidas. Diageo statement diageo statement this boycott sent a message and resulte in meta implementing several actions including the hiring of their first vp of civil rights and civil rights training for employees. If an issue is important to your industry or the public. Think about how you can respond. It could be as simple as donating to a fund or signing a petition and encouraging your followers to do the same. Read more: look at this example for caring about earth day to get an idea of what you can do. 4) use storytelling storytelling is an important part of your corporate social responsibility initiatives.

You need to weave a narrative

You nee to weave a narrative so people can relate to it and are eager to learn more on your social meia channels. For example. Posting about your partnership with a local latest database charity may not get people clicking. However. If you post a testimonial of a person or family that will be positively impacte by your contribution. It’s more likely to prompt action and reaction. Cookie brand oreo is no stranger to creating a buzz on social meia with its marketing activities. Remember its post ‘you can still dunk in the dark’ that went viral in response to the power cut at the 2013 superbowl? In 2020 oreo launche a partnership with pflag to create #proudparent.

An initiative designe to shine a spotlight on the powerful impact love

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An initiative designe to shine a spotlight on the powerful impact love and acceptance can have on lgbtq+ youth. This campaign is to “empower and inspire parents. Families. And allies to come Find List out in loud. Public support” in line with oreo’s ‘bringing families together’ ethos. The video already has over 1.1 million views on youtube and got traction on twitter with their ‘pride packs’ of cookies. This emotive campaign shows the power of storytelling to promote a brand’s beliefs and values. It promotes a partnership but keeps the focus on the issue. Read more with some tips on how to use social meia for storytelling.

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