Catalog of Evergreen

Asking clients to review you on Facebook comes with a couple of benefits. One. they have to use their personal account to write the review. and putting a face to the testimonial helps build social proof. Second. your Facebook rating will appear in Google results when someone searches for your business. Having positive reviews next to your name will help boost your reputation and make it more compelling for potential leads to reach out. Realty Austin five star ratings 5. Engage with your past clients Your relationship with a client shouldn’t end after the contracts are signed. Relationships are key in the real estate industry. so it’s important to maintain connections with everyone you work with.

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From associates to past clients. To help you stay in the loop with your past clients. follow them on social media or meet up for coffee occasionally. Congratulate them on their latest milestones and share any helpful or relevant housing or industry updates with them as they come up. Maintaining your client relationships will help you stay top of mind if they nee your services again.

It also makes them more incline to refer business lead you when opportunities come up. 1 Social media Tool for Real Estate Grow. Create. Engage. Schedule. Publish. Measure. Win. Free 30-Day Trial Create a lead magnet A lead magnet is a trie and true marketing method if you want to drive traffic to your site and capture emails.

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You can use this freebie to attract people to your website and convert them into clients. Here’s how a lead magnet works. You create a free. helpful resource and promote it on your social media and website. To access the full resource. people must enter their email. and then the resource will be sent to their inbox.

Nee ideas. Common real estate lead magnets Find List include home-buying or selling checklists. guides to the local housing market. or fun neighborhood guides that highlight things to do in the area you serve. Share industry expertise on LinkeIn LinkeIn is great for sharing your.

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