They range from the traditional

Don t make vegetarians or those who for example don t eat fish go hungry If you are the graduate student in question stop here do not read the next two paragraphs. The next information concerns you but you are not allow to know it. Go organize your graduation party and leave the reading of the next lines to your guests.

Funny graduation posters and jokes

Every self respecting graduation party also includes surprises jokes and games generally organiz by close friends to make fun of the birthday boy so be ready for anything. papyrus that tells the Bolivia Email List most ridiculous and embarrassing episodes of the graduate s life to treasure hunts wi adgets prepar specifically for this day. You may also be forc to wear funny disguises wear very flashy makeup or be cover in eggs flour and so on and so forth. In short healthy public humiliation never hurts If you live in a shar house with other students be prepar your roommates could team up and play the most unexpect pranks on you such as hiding several alarm clocks around the house perhaps.

Country Email List

Oh I forgot prepare to become the subject

Of compromising photos and videos . The perfect graduation gift graduation crown As regards graduation gifts first of all the tradition requires that parents give their child Sweden Phone Number a laurel wreath intertwin with a r ribbon or the typical touch. It is also customary for the new graduate s boyfriend or friends to give a huge bouquet of strictly r flowers. You can also choose to give something special as a gift such as a trip a stay in a spa or an experience a concert the chance to drive a sports car on a track or for the bravest a bungee experience jumping.

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