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He can have the high end brand that gets him the Michelin stars and is on the list of the world s best restaurants so he gets his reputation and prestige and then he could leverage that to promote Peruvian cuisine more broadly. HBSWK Don t those other brands dilute his vision over time Keinan He has a different image from Noma.

His vision is to promote Peruvian cuisine

It s not just to serve a small group of high end customers. Norton He s lucky in the sense that there is a high end and a low end to Peruvian cuisine so he s not being inauthentic in the way that some luxury brands are when they go downscale. But you are Guatemala Phone Number List right brand dilution is often a huge risk in going that route. “THE CHALLENGE IS TO PROMOTE PERUVIAN CUISINE BEYOND WHERE HE HAS THE PRESTIGE OR REPUTATION” Keinan In this case the goal of the different brands is to complement each other so they don t compete or cannibalize each other. HBSWK And what about Noma You mentioned that margins aren t very high and in the case you talk about investors coming in and wanting to increase them. Have they been able to do that without hurting the prestige.

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Khirie That portfolio approach is much

Harder for René but it s not impossible. One of the ways Noma is experimenting with this is through pop up restaurants. Even though they have to Germany Telegram Number shut down the main restaurant for a time they make a big chunk of money from hotels like Claridge s in London or the Mandarin fee up front to have Noma set up shop. Norton It s interesting to think about what cities he could go to where consumers would say He s just doing it for the money —Vegas Macao. Khaire He couldn t do Dubai but he could do Istanbul.

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