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Pollo Found in 1992, in Goiânia, M.Pollo continues to surprise the men’s fashion market with innovation and excellence in service , increasingly positioning itself as a strong and recogniz brand in the Brazilian market. Tip: Also see how we achiev 4x more sales on Famiglia Valduga’s Black Friday! The problem The company already had an Inbound Marketing strategy in place when it approach Orgânica Digital at the end of 2016. However, this strategy was not bringing satisfactory results. The main problem was the lead generation strategy which, in fact, generat many leads, but the vast majority of them were unqualifi.

The project The first thing we did was

Thus, the sales team had a lot of work and few sales. We ne to not only qualify these leads, but actually turn them into sales . The project The first thing we did was a 2-step plan: The first consist of getting to know the client’s current Inbound Marketing strategy in depth . We tri to understand where this first strategy was going wrong, and thus, make sure we achiev the results the company want. The second stage consist precisely of talking to new database the client and understanding what the desir results were. We create a connection with the company, we seek to understand the mission, vision and values ​​of the brand.

The solution After evaluating what was already

new base

From there, we built the new Inbound Marketing strategy . The solution After evaluating what was already being done, we realiz that several Inbound Marketing strategies were already being implement. However, without the necessary quality and effort. Some of our actions were: M. Pollo Success Story: The solution Tip: Orgânica is an award-winning Inbound Marketing Agency . Know more! The results We generate more qualifi leads , considerably rucing the Find List time the representative nes to close deals and shortening the sales cycle . The effects were visible and quick to act. Compar.

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