Email marketing trends 2021

Every year new trends are born in Marketing. Some remain, and others die. But what is clear is that according to consumer demand, these continue to extend over time. Email marketing is not exempt from this and continues to be on the lips of all of us who are dedicated to marketing. Some of them will mutate, that is, adapting to the needs of consumers (people). And so it should be. Those that don’t work will die, even for those nostalgic people who used them. Surely you know what I’m talking about because it has happened to you before… What is clear is that email marketing continues to be on the rise, and it is not expected to stop being so, quite the opposite. So my post today is based on some trends, precisely, of “stinking” email marketing. 

Hyper customization

Hyper customization. Users are no longer satisfied with just calling them by name in your email marketing strategy. They want to receive something exclusive designed just for them. Remember that segmentation matters, a lot. Stop thinking for everyone to create a single piece of content. Create a lot of content for a few. Your users and community prefer to read a story that impacts them, that they job function email list can identify with, and not a massive message for everyone. Yes, also in email marketing. Remember that we are made of stories, and we all like them. 

Video, I still love you in my email marketing

Video, I still love you in my email marketing. Incorporating videos into email marketing was frowned upon years ago, but over time it has been proven to be effective. Of course it also depends on Find List taste, but it undoubtedly makes us retain the reader in our email. Even in promotional campaigns with products, it is something that personalizes, entails dynamism of the product itself, and because it is a way to attract the user’s attention.

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