People know they are not going to pay

However those incremental sales were offset by lower margins and return on equity negating the benefits of those higher sales. This evidence suggests that multinationals that tolerate corruption are able to grow their business and get contracts in corrupt countries. But it appears that those contracts are less profitable says Healy.

A Necessary Evil The experiences

Of Siemens and SNC Lavalin also calls into question the assumption that bribery is a necessary practice in dealing in developing markets says Healy. Despite cleaning up their acts the companies have continu doing business in countries around the world including those where they Democratic Republic Of the Congo Email List have paid bribes in the past. Both companies acknowlge that there is clean business and dirty business in every country says Healy. Given their new tough stance on corruption there are some contracts they can t go after but there is still plenty of clean business they can. Their experience is support by companies including GE Statoil and Fluor that have drawn a bright line internally against paying to play in foreign countries and that continue to operate successfully in countries where corruption is a problem.

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Of course it makes it easier that

Those companies are industry leaders with unique products customers want regardless of any inducements says Healy. But he suspects another factor is also at work. P and so eventually they stop asking says Healy. As Siemens s general counsel told me Once you start paying Italy Whatsapp Number bribes you are committ. You can never look back. The experiences of Siemens and SNC Lavalin show that the first step toward changing that outward reputation says Healy is changing the internal culture. Both companies have work hard to change the tone at the top. It s harder to rationalize corruption if you are receiving a consistent message that we don t do this.

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