Index if you broadcast promotional

The ideal is to carry out this test with different types of publications promotional offers humor competitions point of sale life etc. You will then  able to define the days and the st time to post your publication. You also ne to take into account the havior of your competitors. Analyze when they get the st engagement rate with their posts. It is very likely that these schules will also work for.

You can also post when your competitors

Silent and see if it impacts your business. Keep in mind however that each platform is different. These tests must therefore  carri out independently on each of them. Favor a quality publication rather than quantity It is not cause we know the st publication times that we necessarily French Guiana Email List have to communicate at those times. Inde on social mia as elsewhere quality must prevail over quantity. The essential rule to respect is “if you have nothing to say say nothing”. By following this principle you will  able to work effectively on your notoriety and the quality of your content. Promote content with high add value The mistake that many companies make is to “force” themselves to communicate every day on their social networks.

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However if your activity does not justify

Daily communication the impact risks ing negative… With “forc” communication you risk pushing your community to turn away from you. content too often or with little Canada Telegram Number add value on your subscrirs news fe you risk damaging your brand image and their interest in your products. Additionally in an environment where everyone is constantly expressing themselves rarity intrigues and provokes curiosity more effectively. Imagine a Facebook page that would publish a post every day like “Take advantage of a − discount on…” or “Come and discover our new range of products…” Such a surplus of promotional messages would  poorly receiv by Internet users.

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