In the top also appear Denmark

War thankfully is a very rare event he says. When two countries do go to war it means that one of them has miscalculat. By contrast in this setting you have a constant struggle in real time between every nation in the world vying for influence within the Secretariat. To figure out who has been winning that competition Werker and Novosad consult the Yearbook of the Unit Nations.

They compile a database of every

Senior official in the Secretariat from to —some names in all. Then consulting news reports and international directories they determin the nationality of each official. “IT S NOT CLEAR THAT IT S IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE WORLD FOR THESE RISING POWERS French Email Lists TO TAKE A BACK SEAT WHEN IT COMES TO SOLVING INTERNATIONAL CONFLICTS” Finally Werker and Novosad compar the percentage of officials from each country to the percentage of that country s world population in order to determine the amount to which a nation was overrepresent in the Secretariat who was punching above their weight says Werker. When they did so a small number of demographically similar countries came out on top.

Country Email List

The Small The Rich The Nordic

We found a handful of smaller richer democracies most represent by this metric including Swen Norway and Finland he says. Rounding out the top five were two other small rich democracies — New Zealand and Ireland. and Switzerland along with seeming long shots Panama Turkey Whatsapp Number Jamaica and Uruguay. Werker wasn t surpris by the overrepresentation of Scandinavian countries given their high rankings for ucation and low rankings for corruption. The mandate of the UN on staffing is suppos to rest on three things competence integrity and the third being national representation Werker says. Even when controlling for the first two measures the top countries shar other characteristics.

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