The UK Swen Canada and the U.S. obtain the highest management scores closely follow by Germany with a gap to Italy Brazil and then finally India. We also show that autonomous government schools i.e. government fund but with substantial independence like UK academies and U.S. charters have significantly higher management scores than regular government schools and private schools.
Almost half of the difference tween
The management scores of autonomous government schools and regular government schools is account for by differences in leadership of the principal and tter governance. Paper Information First Look DEC Rethinking The Careers Of High achieving Women The Netherlands Email List careers of Harvard Business School female graduates are studi to understand tter their achievements barriers encounter and lessons learn for employers. The article Rethink What You Know about High Achieving Women was written by Robin J. Ely and colleagues and publish in the Decemr issue of Harvard Business Review. Fiscal Impacts Of Emissions Tax Versus Cap and trade Propos cap and trade regulations are often oppos on the grounds that they curtail profit and thus innovation—some critics offer emissions taxes as a lower penalty alternative.
In an updat working paper David
Drake and colleagues show evidence that emissions price uncertainty under cap and trade rules results in greater expect profit than a constant emissions price Korea Email List under an emissions tax. The Innovation Of The No cost Prosthesis A new case study aims to help students understand the four decade success of Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti a nonprofit dicat to helping clients in India receive no cost prosthesis such as the Jaipur Foot. The Case of Work Integration Social Sengul Anne claire Pache and Jacob Model ABSTRACT—We examine the factors that influence the social performance of hybrid organizations that pursue a social mission and sustain their operations through commercial activities by studying work integration social enterprises WISEs.