Furthermore support by digital marketing

All this with the aim of serving your customers and retaining them over the long term . It is possible to create a brand structure on Facebook to represent your network and manage it more easily. From then on your brand will work on Facebook in the following way . A parent page France which represents your brand your brand. Its role is to highlight the common core of your network national highlights brand values etc.

A per establishment which represents

Extension of the points of sale on Facebook. This professional Facebook page canĀ  Active with local events specific to the point of sale and interaction with its customers . Not active only a relay for national publications without local interactions . This structure will also allow you to Eritrea Email List nefit from features dicat to multi local networks in Facebook s advertising network. Ideal for tracking visits to points of sale. in a web to store logic What tools to manage your Facebook professional page Managing all the Facebook pages link to a brand is no easy task. From moderating comments to publications to advertisements this requires careful organization.

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Fortunately there are different tools

Dicat to this task which we have compar for you in a future article. professionals is essential to implement a coherent multi local strategy for each point of sale. Gen K Conseil has en supporting brand networks for more than years with its experts. Contact us to tell us Vietnam Whatsapp Number about your nes and obtain marketing and advertising solutions adapt to your brand. When to post on Facebook and Instagram to boost the visibility of your point of sale Publish onSep.

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