Academy Digital Talent Scholarship Inductee Announcement

Backend developers are Academy Digital Talent software developers who manage servers, applications, and databases so that they can communicate with each other properly and smoothly. Back-end developers play a very important role because only the back-end makes the front-end application work. In this learning path, you’ll learn the fundamentals of making RESTful APIs; work with database technologies, storage, message brokers, authentication, and authorization; and learn expert concepts for developing RESTful APIs, such as clean architecture, serverless, containers, and CI/CD.

Dicoding’s backend developer course was developed in conjunction with AWS and industry players in the backend development space. Each step in this learning path has been carefully designed so that students will have enough knowledge to become a backend developer.

In 2022 the Ministry of Communication

And Information of the Republic of Indonesia has partnered with Dicoding to offer a free online training program for final year students Oman Mobile Number List or recent graduates. Participants will be able to study sequentially in class:

Today we announced the shortlist of participants who will enter the next stage of the Backend Learning Path for the School of Graduates’ Digital Talent Scholarship programme.

A list of selected participants can be viewed at the following link:

Relying on Leftovers Coincidentally, Agree, a farming startup at the time, had a job opening for an Android Developer. With zero work experience and a DTS certificate, Alan dared to apply. Allen acknowledged that quite a few people have signed up for the position. Seeing his opponents are all pros, he feels inferior until Alan passes the test he must complete to theoretically compete.

In the beginning I felt inferior to those seemingly

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Professional opponents, but when I saw the tests I had to take, how would I know them? That’s because I did learn it when I was in DTS, and I was confident Get it done. Thank god I was one of those who passed the test until finally I was accepted as an Android developer.”

In addition to being able to solve the questions FIND List easily, Alan also admitted that there were other factors that made him admitted. During the interview, he was asked where he learned to code. Alan also replied that he got this knowledge from DTS and Dicoding. Obviously Alan’s working environment is very familiar with Dicoding’s reputation. The company believed in Allen’s skills and eventually entrusted Allen with the position he had applied for.
This type is still in the innovation or development stage. This type of machine will interact with human behavior and emotion. In other words, AI machines need to be able to understand how humans, animals and other machines feel. After successfully understanding these feelings, machines need to be able to use that information to make self-reflective decisions.

Training session access tokens will be sent to selected participants’ emails on Monday, March 7, 2022.

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