Whether the end result is that they lead users to their competitors. In addition we are currently taking a big leap forward in the field of artificial intelligence . Google has already brought artificial intelligence to Google search for test use with the aim of making finding information and answers even easier. There is no doubt that Google is disappearing. On the contrary – they are always involv in any change. So it is still vital for every company to create an SEO strategy that is bas specifically on Google. Keep up with the change and
Maintain your strategy
By creating an SEO strategy you can better understand the big picture and how long-term you are developing business email list your organic visibility. In this case there is also no clinging to the ropes when the optimization is done with a longer-term plan and goals in mind. The SEO strategy is practically a war plan that focuses on developing search engine visibility and thereby increasing organic traffic. In practice it is an extensive to-do list divid into different sub-areas as well as the priorities of the tasks. It takes into account all of Googles best
Practices which also
Reveals exactly which practices have the biggest number of problems for example. With the help of a strategy we progress from one big theme to another big theme instead of jumping back Find List and forth every month with different ad hoc-style problems. It is good to make the SEO strategy as broad as possible even so broad that it becomes a nightmare and makes you lose sleep at night. If the strategy is implement too narrowly it will quickly only scratch the surface and eventually cause Search Engine Optimization to be carri