Youtube a way  not so new  to consume what interests us

You may already know that youtube is the second. Largest search engine in the world, second only to google search. However, with the pandemic caused by covid-19, and the need to stay. At home longer, some habits regarding the use of the platform have changed – people started to consume. Youtube videos on their tv sets! In brazil, more than 40 million. People are watching youtube on television , according to data released by the company itself in think with google. Keep reading and understand a little more about it! You may already know that. Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world, second only to google search. With the pandemic caused by covid-19, this result is the platform.

With the need to spend more time at home

People started to consume youtube videos on their tv sets. In brazil, more than 40 million people are watching youtube on television, according to data released by the company itself in think with google. Keep reading and understand a little Benin Mobile Number List more about it! Youtube: pandemic changed consumer habits we know that the lives of individuals around the world have changed since the beginning of the pandemic. It was necessary to stay at home longer and look for other ways. To consume what we like – be it a physical activity video. Or even recipe for that dish from the heart restaurant to make at home.

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Segments such as sports and games also recorded

A significant increase in video consumption. This shows a trend towards longer video format, also. Confirmed by the success of channels that are producing content in podcast format, the one where the setting looks like a radio studio and the Find List transmission is also made to different audio platforms. Internal youtube data (2020) proves. That the pandemic has slightly changed the consumption habits of not only brazilians, but also people around the world. The use of youtube on tv sets has seen significant growth: in brazil, there has been a 120% growth in watchtime on connected.

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